Rio not on Baosteel's radar

RUMOURS of a counter-bid for Rio Tinto by Chinese-based Baosteel Group have been quashed, with the group saying it has no plans to make an offer for the mining giant, according to media reports.

Rio not on Baosteel's radar

Baosteel chairman Xu Lejiang told Shanghai Securities News that he denied earlier reports in the 21st Century Business Herald that he said the company was studying counter-measures to BHP Billiton's proposed offer for Rio, which included purchasing the company.

"I did not say this," Xu said. "It is a fabrication of the media."

Xu also said that the company did not have the financial strength for a Rio bid.

Earlier this week, 21st Century Business Herald had quoted Xu as saying it would take more than $US200 billion ($A228 billion) to buy Rio.

The report caused shares in Baosteel's Shanghai-listed subsidiary Baoshan Iron & Steel Co. to increase 5.2% on Tuesday.

Most analysts believe a consortium of companies would need to make a joint bid, with backing from the Chinese Government, since a Chinese company on its own wouldn't have the cash to make an offer.

Others have suggested the Chinese companies may launch a bid in the full knowledge of failure, but with the intention of taking a blocking stake in Rio that would doom BHP's bid as well as maintain the status quo.

There is also a belief that BHP may offer a significantly higher bid than its current proposal to quash any likelihood of a Chinese counter-offer, with one analyst suggesting BHP may offer a higher bid of around $200 billion.

Rio has repeatedly rejected BHP's proposed three-for-one scrip deal, saying it undervalues the company.

Shares in BHP gained $1.05 to $43.75 at lunchtime today, while Rio climbed 75c to $144.57.

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