Macfarlane to lead QRC

THE Queensland Resources Council has appointed former long-serving Coalition Resources Minister, Ian Macfarlane as its new CEO to replace Michael Roche.

Kristie Batten
Macfarlane to lead QRC

Macfarlane had served as Science and Industry Minister under Tony Abbott, but was dumped from the frontbench when Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister a year ago, and quit politics in February.

He spent nearly seven years as president of the Grain Growers Association in Queensland before his 18 years in politics.

Macfarlane said that, after a brief interlude since he retired from politics earlier, he was well and truly ready to tackle the challenges facing the resources sector in Queensland.

“The Queensland Resources Council is a highly respected industry peak body on both sides of politics and throughout the wider community and I am honoured to be asked to build on the excellent work of outgoing chief executive Michael Roche,” Macfarlane said.

The QRC’s incoming president, BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance asset president Rag Udd, said Macfarlane was “much admired” in the resources sector for his deep knowledge of and affinity for the sector.

“He has proven himself to be bipartisan in his approach to policy and advocacy,” Udd said.

“Ian brings to the role a deep knowledge of bureaucracy, government and industry players, which means that he will be able to hit the ground running.”

Udd said an induction and handover process would start next month before Macfarlane starts on November 17.

The Minerals Council of Australia welcomed Macfarlane’s appointment to head up the QRC, with CEO Brendan Pearson saying he had a “prodigious knowledge of the resources sector, keen policy instincts and great advocacy skills”.

“He has the respect of the resources sector as well as all sides of the political spectrum,” Pearson said.

“Ian's record in the Resources and Energy portfolio – in both government and opposition – was a remarkable one, built on a singular focus on the goal of delivering better living standards for all Australians.

“He will be a great asset to the resources sector, not only in Queensland but nationally as well."

The MCA also acknowledged the “outstanding” leadership that Roche provided the QRC for more than a decade.

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